Frequently Asked Questions

  • On Sundays, we serve a breakfast for everybody starting @ 8:45 am. We have Sunday School for all ages, including a staffed nursery, @ 9:30 am. Sunday worship and children's church with staffed nursery is @ 10:30 am. We generally end around 11:45 am. 

    On Wednesdays we feed the kids and teens (and any adults hanging around) a meal at 6:15 pm.  Family ministries for all ages run from 6:30-7:30 pm.  This includes Kids Club, Teens, and Adult Bible Study. There are many other activities going on besides these which you and your family are welcome to be a part of. To find out more, click on what is happening tab, or the various links of this web site.

  • Our church construction is round, therefore we have 3 entrances that are used during Sunday morning. The entryways are clearly marked. The East and West entrances are what most people utilize. You may also come in the front entrance with the carport. For safety purposes the back door remains locked during Sunday morning, and the East door is locked at 10:45 am on Sundays. If you arrive after 10:45, just use the car port entrance or the west doorway. 

  • Whichever door you use, you will be greeted and welcomed. The greeters will give you a bulletin for that Sunday, and should explain where the sanctuary, restrooms, nursery, and children's area are. We also have direction signs you may follow. None of these areas are hard to find. Since we are a circular church, you cannot get lost!

  • On Sunday mornings we have nursery and Kids Worship which runs concurrent to our morning worship service. You may bring your children to the back children's area when you arrive. The nursery is located in that area as well. There are signs to direct you. After you sign your children in, you may join the worship in the sanctuary. If you prefer, you may also have your children stay with you in the sanctuary. There will be plenty of people to help direct you if you have any questions about this. Click here for more information on our children's ministry.

  • We have ministry for the entire family, and that includes teenagers. We know those years are vital in the spiritual development of a person, and can set the direction of his/her life, so we value our teens. On Sunday morning we have a class geared just for them at 9:30 am. They are in the corporate worship service at 10:30 am. Every Wednesday from 6:30-8 pm the teens meet for NYI, and have a great time of games, fellowship, and learning how to walk with Jesus. We also have a variety of activities throughout the year. Click here to find out more about our teen ministry.

  • You may sit wherever you feel comfortable in the sanctuary. Once seated, someone will give you a gift packet with information about the church, and a card to fill out recording your visit. We want to know more about you and your family so we may minister to you effectively. Of course, you provide only the information you are comfortable giving. After it is filled out, you may place it in one of the offering boxes located in the back of the sanctuary, give it to an usher/greeter, or just leave it at your seat to be collected later. You will probably have others come and welcome you too. We do not mean to overwhelm, but we are excited that you are here!

  • You might be wondering if we wear suits, dresses, jeans, khakis, or capris. The answer is YES! First and foremost come as you are. Our attire really is a pretty broad spectrum. You will see everything from suites to casual. It honestly does not matter. The most important thing is that we look forward to seeing YOU, not what you’re wearing.

  • CCN was founded in 1928 and has been in our current location since 1981.

  • We currently run anywhere from 60-90 in house on any given Sunday, with other regulars watching online, but are trusting God for more. We would love for you to come and grow with us!

  • Relevant, upbeat and meaningful. Our music is a mix of new and traditional, and we focus on worshiping the Lord. Our preaching is down to earth and practical to everyday life. We emphasize prayer and seek God during the service. We truly believe God ministers to us in our services.

  • We believe giving to God is a privilege, and God blesses those who do. We encourage giving, but do not lay guilt trips. We will teach on giving from time to time because it is part of God's Word. Our regular attenders and members support the church financially. As a first time guest, you may choose to give, but there is no expectation. We are just glad you are here!

  • CCN belongs to the Church of the Nazarene which is focused on helping people become followers of Jesus Christ locally and around the world. The Church of the Nazarene has been in existence since 1908. It was founded to spread the message that we are all able to receive Christ and become more like Him which results in a life of blessing and significance. To see our specific beliefs, click on what we believe.

  • Of course, you can navigate this web site to find out about the church. The guest packet and bulletin you receive when you come will have basic information about our various ministries. Also, if you give us your e-mail on the guest card, you can receive our weekly newsletter electronically. This tells of all our current events. We do not sell your e-mail nor send spam. You may also call the church office at 419-586-4212 with any questions you have.

  • Membership is a process here at CCN, not an event, so it takes some time. We want people to show that they are faithful over time in keeping the basic Christian attitudes & actions that make up our membership requirements. Fortunately, we don’t see membership as a requirement to doing things or be a part of our fellowship – so you can participate in ministry, worship, and small groups even if you aren’t a member.

    The first step is to continue attending CCN and become more connected to God and others in our church. We want each member to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and strong connections with others in the church. We also have a "Connections Class" we offer 4 times a year which we ask those becoming members to take.


We trust this information answered any questions you may have before you visit. If you want to know more, or would like to get in touch with someone before you get here, just call us at 419-586-4212 or 419-615-7546. We really look forward to your visit!