An August Word from the Pastor

But the Israelites did not attack them, because the leaders of the assembly had sworn an oath to them by the Lord, the God of Israel.  (Joshua 9:18)


How good is your word? I know we would all like to think what we say can be taken to the bank, but is it really so? When I give a promise, do I try my best to fulfill it? Or do I let any little thing break it? When I sign a contract, take out a loan, or put my name on other documents, do I fulfill my obligations, or am I looking for a way out? What about the time sheets I fill out? The logbooks? The taxes I file? Are they accurate to the best of my knowledge? How about the things I post online? Are they really truthful? God’s Word is very clear. We are to be people of our word. Our “yes” is mean “yes” and our “no” is to mean “no” — period. 


In the scripture above, the nation of Israel had been duped into making a promise to the Gibeonites not to destroy them. Even though this oath was a product of deceit by the Gibeonites, Israel was still under obligation to keep it. They took their commitment seriously. So should I when it comes to my word. I must do everything I can to fulfill it.

Of course, sometimes situations arise that we do not foresee or have no control over which makes keeping a promise or fulfilling a contract impossible, but these are to be the exceptions, not the rule. Ultimately our witness for Christ is effected by the reliability of our word, or the lack thereof.  We serve a God whose promises are "yes" and "amen". As His child, I should strive for my word to be just as reliable.

 Pastor Chris


A September Word from the Pastor


A July Word from the Pastor