An October Word from the Pastor

Heb 6:15 And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.


It is a story which lives on in baseball folklore. During the 1926 World Series Babe Ruth promises a sick child that he will hit a home run for him that night. He then plays the game and not only hits one home run, he hits 3! The child’s recovery from that point forward is nothing short of miraculous. Whether out of pure luck, great skill, or divine intervention, this goes down as one of the most well known fulfilled promises of modern times.


Of course, you and I know that promises we make cannot always be kept like that. Circumstances beyond our control, unknown factors at the time we make the promise, our own limitations in spite of our best efforts, all can cause us to break promises we make.


Praise God that the Lord is not limited as we are! He is all knowing, so nothing takes Him by surprise. God is all powerful, able to do what needs to be done. God is Holy, with no hint of deception. God is love, always motivated by the purest of attributes. All this assures us that what God promises, He CAN and WILL do. His Word is settled!


Our part is to wait patiently. This is easier said than done. In a world where the microwave is too slow, waiting on God’s timing can be a daunting task. Yet….we are called to wait. We wait, believing that God will be true to what He says. We wait, not looking at our present circumstances but fixing our eyes on Him. We wait, obediently doing what God lays before us at the moment. We wait…… sometimes days, sometimes months, sometimes years, sometimes even decades…..we wait patiently for God to work out His promises in His time.


The result of such patience and trust? Like Abraham, we receive what was promised. God’s Word (promise) becomes flesh (reality). God’s assurance becomes actuality. Our Isaac is born. In the meantime God gives us grace to carry on.


Are you trusting in a promise from God? Your confidence is well placed! Keep patiently waiting. Rebuke the doubts, confirm God’s Word, ask for God’s grace, and keep taking the next step forward with God. “Tis true, O yes tis true. God’s wonderful promise is true; for I’ve trusted, and tested, and tried it, and I know God’s promise is true.” Abraham, along with all God’s people, say “AMEN!”

Pastor Chris


A September Word from the Pastor