A January Word from the Pastor

“See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19)

 The word “new” is mentioned around 150 times in the Bible. Sufficient to say that the Lord is always doing something new. While God Himself is never changing, He is ever-changing and ever at work in our world. God is not stagnant, quiet or inactive. The problem is we often do not perceive what God is doing. Why is this? We could name several reasons.

1.  God often moves slowly, so in the day to day grind of life we miss  what He is doing. It is only through the perspective of time that we can see His hand at work. 

2. Many times God works behind the scenes, in ways we cannot measure or see. Eventually what God is doing does come to light, but while we wait it is easy to believe that God is dormant.

3. We take what God does for granted, so we do not even acknowledge or recognize His unceasing provisions in our lives. We think God has done nothing when in fact God has continuously given us what we need for today and to move us forward.

4. We resist the new because we are comfortable with the old. Even change for good can produce fear in us, because it is unknown. This causes us to not even look for the new God has for us.

I’m sure we could name more reason, but the real question is, how can we better perceive, and thus participate, in the new God is doing? I’m glad you asked!!

 We need to be determined to see things through the eyes of faith. This is easy to say and hard to do, but God will help us as we lean on Him. Fill your heart and mind with God’s Word.  Daily acknowledge the good things God has done for you and praise Him for them. Keep claiming the sure promises of God over your needs. Surround yourself with fellow believers who will encourage and challenge your walk with God, including being in and a part of church. All this will keep your faith centered on Christ and your spiritual eyes open to the “new thing” God is birthing. We will then be able to join in what God is doing instead of living a stagnant Christian life. God is doing a new thing, do you perceive it?

Pastor Chris


A February Word from the Pastor