A May Word from the Pastor

“They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” Micah 4:3 

 With all that is going on in this world, don’t you just long for the fulfillment of Micah 4:3? This scripture is even etched into a wall outside the United Nations building in New York City. Peace has been the stated goal of that institution from its inception. They are not alone, From the time Cain rose up and killed Abel, peace has been the dream of all mankind. We have sought peace, signed peace treaties, marched for peace, negotiated for peace, all the while yearning for the day that we would never have to “train for war” again. Yet war rages on. Since the United Nations founding in 1945 there have been hundreds of major conflicts worldwide. The last 3 years we have seen engagements in Ukraine, Hatti, and Israel. Taiwan could be next. Each has the potential of expanding into a world war. Why can’t we find the peace we hunger for? The problem is man wants peace, but he wants it apart from Christ.

 The scripture chiseled at the United Nations building is taken from a prophecy which describes the time which Christ will rule the nations of the earth. Man is incapable this kind of peace. Sinful humanity cannot help but be at war, and only the second coming of Christ will put a stop to this.

 The same truth applies personally as well. Everybody want peace in their lives. You can wish for peace, turn to all kinds of things to try and obtain peace, post verses and sayings about peace, yet none of these things will give you peace. Only a right relationship with God through Christ will. Jesus alone is the Prince of Peace and apart from Him there is no peace to be found. With Christ, we have peace with God (Rom 5:1) peace from God (Phil 4:7), and peace with others (Rom 14:19). Do you need peace in your circumstances? In your relationships? In your heart? Let Jesus, the Prince of Peace, rule your life and you will find the peace you long for. 

Pastor Chris


A July Word from the Pastor


An April Word from the Pastor