An April Word from the Pastor

“….. What is that to you? You must follow me! (John 21:22)

 The ability to focus is an important one in life. A batter focuses on the ball being pitched. A driver focuses on the road ahead. Focusing clarifies, prioritizes, and motivates action. It keeps us going in the right direction. It keeps us from wasting time on non-essential matters. As a Christian, the main focus of our life is to be Jesus, and our following Him.

 How easy it is to get off track from this. In the scripture above, Peter had just been re-instated by Christ and called once more to follow Him. Immediately after this Peter sees another disciple and wants to know what was going to happen to him. Jesus response was quick and telling, “…..what is that to you? You must follow me!” Peter’s focus was to be Jesus and fulfilling Christ’s call. Nothing was to distract from that. This must be ours as well.

We have plenty that can divert us. “Anything but Jesus” is what Satan throws our way as he offers a variety of options to fill our schedule and steal our affections. These can be bad things, but also wholesome things. It doesn’t matter as long as the result is de-emphasizing Christ. We can also get our focus on people. Whether this means idolizing or criticizing, the result is the same. We are no longer following Jesus.

 It is our responsibility to be sure we are truly following Christ. This involves centering our agenda on God and the things of God, obeying in all areas of life, and sacrificial living in ministry to others. All this is easy to write, easy to say, and easy to read, but is hard to actual live out. But what a life it is when we do!

 Following Jesus cost Peter, but it gave Him back so much more! He got to preach the first Gospel message at Pentecost. He led the early church. He received the first revelation that this Gospel was for all people. His life has been used to reach countless others over time. Peter is now in heaven with Christ. What will the story of your life be if you really follow Jesus? Why don’t you get your eyes off everything else, pursuit Jesus, and find out!

 Pastor Chris


A May Word from the Pastor


A March Word from the Pastor