A March Word from the Pastor

“He is not here; he has risen….“ (Matthew 28:6)

Gretchen and I were taking a walk one morning in late February when we saw the first sign of Spring. Poking up through the ground, among the faded mulch and brown leaves of last year, was new green foliage. Life was making a comeback again! I was reminded how Springtime demonstrates that God is always making things new, no matter how dead or desperate a situation looks.

 Jesus disciples must have felt hopeless after His crucifixion. The One they had believed in, left all for, and loved dearly was dead and buried. Wallowing in grief and fear, they cowered behind locked doors waiting for the worst. The winter of their soul stripped them of any joy, mocked their faith, and laid bare their worst fears. The days of the miracles and the multitudes faded with the harsh, cold wind of reality. Jesus was dead, and that was it…… or was it? 

Beneath the hopelessness God was at work. Sin had been atoned for. Hell was informed of her defeat. Death was about to get a fatal blow. That Sunday morning, like green foliage bursting from the dreary earth, life exploded from the tomb! Jesus rose as conqueror of death, hell and the grave! Despair gave way to promise. Fear was replaced with boldness. What seemed dead was now full of life. Instead of cowering from the world, the disciples went out and changed the world!  

 May we never forget that God is always at work. The seeds of life are already planted under the grey soil of our winter season, and at the right time God will bring them forth. Nothing is hopeless with God. Keep trusting. Keep serving. Keep believing. Keep seeking. Keep obeying. It may be winter, but your Springtime is coming. It may be Friday, but your Sunday is on it’s way!

 Pastor Chris


An April Word from the Pastor


A February Word from the Pastor